

Interviews with seven takatāpui rangatahi and their whānau inform this resource about the journey to and the importance of whānau support in a takatāpui young person's life. 

Written by Elizabeth Kerekere, with RainbowYOUTH & Tīwhanawhana Trust


Takatāpui: Part of the Whānau

Learn the history of the term 'takatāpui' as well as the key elements that make up takatāpui identity. This resource is for takatāpui, their whānau and communities, and shares stories and information about identity, wellbeing and suicide prevention.

Written by Elizabeth Kerekere, with Tīwhanawhana Trust and the Mental Health Foundation


Takatāpui Posters

These posters promote the takatāpui.nz resource hub, and share some of the top tips from the resources. Click on the images below to download high-resolution copies for printing.