By Elizabeth Kerekere, Tīwhanawhana Trust and RainbowYOUTH
By Elizabeth Kerekere, Tīwhanawhana Trust and RainbowYOUTH
Growing Up Takatāpui: Whānau Journeys was written by takatāpui leader Dr Elizabeth Kerekere (Founder/Chair, Tīwhanawhana Trust) in collaboration with takatāpui rangatahi leaders Toni Duder (Communications and Operations Manager, RainbowYOUTH) and Morgan Butler (Support Manager, RainbowYOUTH).
(Left to right): Morgan Butler - Tainui, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Te Rarawa, Toni Duder - Ngāpuhi, Elizabeth Kerekere - Ngāti Oneone, Te Aitanga a Mahaki, Whānau a Kai, Rongowhakaata, Ngāi Tāmanuhiri
to all those who contributed to this resource especially takatāpui artist Paerau Corneal for the use of her
artwork Hinemoa Hinemoa (2011) and our funders: Te Ara Whiriwhiri, It’s Not OK and Te Puni Kōkiri.
“I’m proud of my cultural heritage and my language and everything about being Māori... I just love that we have that connection to Papatūānuku and Ranginui. It’s just amazing”
“Always remember that your tamariki are the most important thing in the world. Never forget that, no matter what”
“Our people weren’t constricted in boxes. We didn’t have forms, we didn’t have signed contracts. We spoke the word. Our stories are passed down through waiata and karakia”
It’s important to not just call yourself takatāpui. To be takatāpui is to understand that queerness is not just a Pākehā thing”
“There were 100% no role models…It was silence and nothingness - like there was no possibility aside from heterosexuality and being cisgender [identify with the gender assigned at birth]”
“We never really grew up hearing the term [takatāpui]”
“Of course, there were gay people back in the day. If it was possible for us then, it should be possible for us to accept it more now”
“The ideal to me is that each family, or hapū, iwi groupings have their own stories about takatāpuitanga. Actually ingrained from a very young age that there is a narrative and a story around what it means if you are a different sexuality or gender to the norm that is around you”
“I think the Māori prejudice against this kind of behaviour [being takatāpui] comes from that they see it as unnatural. We’re forgetting to see it as a natural phenomenon”
“All of the cultural messages of trans women are real bad so it’s difficult to learn anything good about trans women or the idea that you can be a trans woman and not just be a weird joke”
“My cousin was beaten, belted. He was always cooking, cleaning. I remember my older cousin saying, “get outside and clean the hangi pit”. Yet they didn’t mind coming in and eating his beautiful kai he’d made. He could only hold his own for so long. Sadly, my cousin died in his thirties. And I truly believe it was through…dying inside…he was not nourished. He was not nurtured”
“I know people that have taken the same path as me, but their families have rejected them. And over the course of time, I’ve seen the decay of their mental state and their body”
“Not feeling Māori enough because of whatever reason, it’s actually a tool of the coloniser for me to feel that way and to think that way. And it benefits the coloniser”
“I know people that have taken the same path as me, but their families have rejected them. And over the course of time, I’ve seen the decay of their mental state and their body”
Facing Our Fears: It can take a while for takatāpui rangatahi to tell their whānau about their diverse gender or sexuality for fear of a negative reaction. Common feelings takatāpui rangatahi experience include embarrassment, fear, isolation, guilt, depression, anger and hopelessness. Takatāpui experiencing these things are at risk of self-harming and suicide.
“Transwomanhood means to be something embarrassing and funny and a little bit silly, goofy and dumb. It’s difficult to let your parents in on something that’s embarrassing”
“I think the first time coming out was the hardest because it was actually acknowledging out loud that you’re saying those words, you’re making them real”
“Some nights I would just go to sleep and... think about all the things that my siblings could do that I couldn’t because of my sexuality. Such as bring a boyfriend home, you know, greet the whānau... just normal Māori stuff”
“She would turn to me at random times and say, ‘please don’t be a lesbian, I want grandchildren’, which made me feel guilty about disappointing her and her plans for me”
“I showed [Mum] all my self-harm scars which are not visible and I just said, ‘I’m just letting you know that this is what it did to me on the inside. I’m not blaming anyone but when you are so flippant about my sexuality and my story and my feelings and where I’ve come from… This is not a casual thing. This has actually been a really, really hard thing for me to go through’”
“I got to a point where I felt like a volcano… I didn’t know what was going on, but I just felt unhappy and I felt depressed, angry and upset. Very angry. Not knowing who I was in terms of my own identity, I would spend a lot of time playing video games - ‘cause that was my way to escape”
“I was in shock. I just thought she’d make some guy a beautiful wife. But my love for her was always gonna beat that one”
“I never thought it was a gender thing because she never really displayed any clear signs – and that’s why it was a ‘hit by a train’ kind of thing”
“There’s a little bit of ‘what will everyone else think of me and what will they think of our family’?”
“I was a patched gang member. When he first came out, my first comment was ’no comment.’ I was still trying to deal with it. I was a little embarrassed because my peers are all staunch men. I felt like I was hiding my son’s secret”
“Every time I tell someone, they go, ‘you don’t look like a lesbian.’ I always get upset – what are they supposed to look like?”
“We needed to just get it out, lay it all out on the floor and then process it”
“You know there’re so many cues you choose to avoid… and then when you make the decision that we have to move forward, they come up and they shine like big diamonds”
“For me, the big factor was safety. You know? How’s he gonna live this life when so many people judge?”
“I didn’t react really well and I’ll tell you that I didn’t. It was my fear of what I’d seen when I was growing up. That was my biggest fear. ‘Oh my god, how can I protect her?’”
“Aunty was very religious. I was scared for [Morgan]. But in my mind, in my heart I’m thinking, ‘oh, yay! I’m not the only one!’”
“The warrior culture that I come from says, ‘No way! No way!’ And I have to balance that emotion that comes up constantly inside me”
“I went around to some friends who were in the church... I cried and I said ‘I don’t know what to do’ because I was conflicted about the Bible”
“People just don’t know how to deal with their own personal grief. And sometimes you say things… really horrible things. And then when you look back at them later on… they were just things that you never should have said but that’s how you felt at the time”
“That’s the grieving that parents go through. And the behaviour … comes from that feeling. Most of the time people don’t really know what to do because you feel like your child has gone, but your child is still there”
“It’s a personal journey.You can’t fast forward”
“Give parents a bit of space and time to readjust”
“Patience is the number one key thing that this process has taught me… Know that it takes time and understanding to get to the point where it’s okay… It does get better. But it gets better by you trying”
“Just keep talking about it. Keep opening up. Keep moving forward”
“When your child comes out as transgender, that’s not a journey you prepare for and some people struggle with that. Sometimes you have to cut your family some slack because it takes a while to get your head around it”
“You know when you get a jigsaw puzzle and someone goes, ‘here you go, try and figure this out.’ The puzzle started coming together”
“Where do we get these principles from to judge? We say in our culture manaakitanga [generosity], whanaungatanga [connectedness], awhinatanga [help]. Aroha [love]. Isn’t that the strongest emotion in our culture? Why don’t we practice that?”
“As a mother moving into a very challenging area, I really needed to understand myself. And I think if you’re unsure of yourself you cannot help someone close to you”
“If your moko [grandchild] comes out and says that she’s different or he’s different, you love that moko. You love them anyway. Don’t judge them”
“If you have that love for each other and you’re trusting… you’ll be able to get through it together.”
“I didn’t find out Cam was gay until I went in for surgery for my son’s birth... He was crying, you know, hurt. I think my opinion really mattered to him at that moment. And I didn’t really care, I accepted it and we had a hug and a kiss”
“I shouldn’t behave like I’m Māori if I reject someone that I brought to earth. That’s totally wrong”
“I’m really lucky that there’s so much acceptance and... also there’s two of us. And, if our cousins or moko come out or anything it’ll be all good”
“I’m very proud of [Nathaniel]. Because the fact is that he’s taken on such a huge, big challenge. And I think his biggest challenge was really to get that across to me”
“We saw the spark in our baby from him coming out. [Cam] was very closed down, stayed locked up in the room. There was just something missing. And then when he come out, oh it’s made him the beautiful baby he is today. I’m so proud of him and of who he has become”
“This has been a massive learning curve for Emilie’s mum and I, but I’m really proud of the whole family. They recognise that she is a wonderful human being, who is fiercely intelligent, argumentative, and always happy to get a free ride home from a party. Nothing’s changed”
“[Takatāpui] means that first and foremost, I’m Māori. Then I’m everything else but together I am everything I am. I am queer, I am Māori and I am tangata ira tane (a trans man). And I have this entire community backing me up whenever I use that identity”
“The diversity of Māori who hold this identity is I think really beautiful. For me, it’s a great word, because I don’t have to be specific about how I identify”
“My Māoriness is about whakapapa and even if I can’t see it really clearly and I don’t have faces necessarily to put to those people, I can feel them 100% and they guide me. They lead me and they support me all of the time”
“Daily I ask my ancestors, ‘what would you do?’ And the answer always comes back inside of me, ‘you never turn your back on one of your own’. So I have to uphold the principles of my ancestors. I’m a hypocrite if I don’t”
“You understand but the emotional and wairua reconnection takes a while”
“Nothing has really felt right until takatāpui, because to me takatāpui is about whakapapa. It is about connection to a huge history and trajectory of whānau and of amazing people and communities who have always existed”
“Being Māori means… you always belong somewhere no matter where you are or what you do. Everything you do in your life; you will always belong”
“We don’t want more suicides because of non-acceptance. That’s just not something that should be accepted in our society. Every child has the right to be accepted and loved for who and what they are”
“[The gang members] didn’t accept gays in general but they accepted [Cam] was gay. They never rubbished him, they never spoke down to him. They all just treated him how they treated him prior to that. But they stopped using homophobic words around me... ‘Cause I’d get upset.”
“There’s been no hiding in our family. We roll as one unit and if you don’t like it - ka kite anō!”
“If you care about Māoritanga and you care about Te Ao Māori and all of our taonga and stuff, then part of that is looking after takatāpui and making sure that takatāpui are safe and nourished and have space to live and grow”
“You just wish that you could give a child enough confidence that when they walk out that door, their shoulders go back, their head goes up and they own it. And it’s their ownership that they take. Their mana”
“I feel like my job as a parent and my role in life is to be able to allow my children to live their truth. ”
“Parents must realise, you’re not losing face, you’re not losing reputation, you’re not losing mana. You stand by the one you made”
“That is the only difference between us aye? Is our sexualities. Nothing else. We’re still all people, we’re still all iwi, we’re still all whānau. Kotahitanga is how I see it”
“[My family] gave me the courage and the strength to be who I am. And to pursue who I believe I am and go out there in the world and not worry what people say, you know, don’t care about what people think”
“One Sabbath we were learning the lesson of ‘if you have not sinned, cast the first stone’. And I guess my whakaaro [thinking] had to go back to that. ‘Who are you to throw stones – whether it be your moko, your daughter or anyone – without looking at yourself first?”
“My advice is to take a big, big breath in. You need to ask yourself some very important questions. ‘Do I still want to have this connection?’ And if I do, we need to find steps to move forward. And if I don’t, we need to ask more questions as to why”
“Children are the most important thing. They are our biggest gift. It wouldn’t have mattered what [Morgan] came out as. You know, because it was the love that I felt for her. For parents out there that don’t have family that have come out before, it’s safer now than it was back then. And don’t hide behind your fear… Bottom line is, they’re our gift. We need to embrace them and love them regardless of what they are”
“The journey is different for everybody but I hope that we all end up in the place of acceptance and love because if you do that, it’s better for everybody, including your own heart”
“Love conquers all I think. If you genuinely love someone, nothing should matter. My love for [Cameron] conquered everything that I was facing. It’s unconditional and that’s what got me through it”
“It’s going to be okay, it’s really going to be okay because what you’ll have is a happy person. Trust in that”
“We’re on this journey and we’re not going to abandon it. Don’t abandon who you made. Don’t make life miserable for you and your offspring. You know, handle it”
“Having more resources about takatāpui is a great start… I know that when I was trying to explain gender and identity to my Mum or to my eldest cousin, they wouldn’t have it. So having things that can inform our whānau so we don’t have to. Because sometimes it’s not safe”
“My Mum went out of her way to research and understand exactly who I was and even though that took time, it’s gotten to the point where it’s amazing”