Ngāti Oneone, Te Aitanga a Mahaki, Whānau a Kai, Rongowhakaata, Ngāi Tāmanuhiri
Chair/Founder of Tīwhanawhana Trust and an activist within the LGBTIQ community for nearly 30 years.
I am most passionate about the health and well-being of takatāpui and youth. Leading the political advocacy for Tīwhanawhana has me giving speeches, running workshops and training, conducting research, making resources, mentoring youth leaders and sitting on the national boards of LAGANZ (Rainbow archive) and Ara Taiohi (peak body for youth development).
As an artist, I conceived the idea of a National Rainbow Strategy to weave together LGBTIQ needs and aspirations across our diverse cultures, sexes, genders and sexualities.
Kerekere, E. (2017) Part of the Whānau: The Emergence of Takatāpui Identity - He Whāriki Takatāpui. Wellington: Tīwhanawhana Trust
Kaumātua: Anō te ātaahua - honoring the gifts of our elders (editor), 2001
Takatāpui: Where Worlds Collide (Included in Sexuality and the Stories of Indigenous People ed. Jessica Hutchings & Clive Aspin), 2007
Keynote Speech, 2nd Asia Pacific Outgames, 2011
Elizabeth Kerekere's Top Relationship Tips (included in the You, Me, Us resource by RainbowYOUTH), 2015
Takatāpui: A Traditional Term speech, Waka Hourua National Māori and Pasifika Suicide Prevention Research Symposium, 2015
Honoa Te Pito Ora ki To Pito Mate: Takatāpui Past and Present, Te Kāhui Kura Māori Volume 0, Issue 2, based on a paper prepared for Māori Research Methodologies course at Victoria University, Wellington.
Elizabeth Kerekere speaks on Maori LGBTQ term takatāpui, NZ Herald 2017